Adding Localization to the Blog
I’m thrilled to share that the blog posts are now available in both Portuguese and English! I recently updated Hugo to incorporate a localization system into my blog. While I’m still working on resolving a few remaining issues (such as limited functionality of files and search, currently only working in the English version of the blog), I’m committed to fixing them as soon as possible. The addition of the localization system is a significant milestone in making my blog content more accessible and comprehensive for both national and international audiences....
Creating and using a requirements.txt file to install Python Packages with PIP
Introduction If you’re a Python developer looking to efficiently manage external packages in your projects, you’ve come to the right place! In this step-by-step guide, I’ll teach you how to create and use a requirements.txt file, leveraging the powerful package manager PIP. This is a recommended practice that allows for easy sharing of development environments and ensures the proper installation of all required packages. So, let’s get started! Step 1: Creating the requirements....
How to Remove the Flutter Debug Banner in Just One Step
Changelog: Code updated to Flutter 3.10. Every Flutter application comes in debug mode by default, which means that the debug banner is shown. It serves only to remind us that the application is in debug mode, and when you switch to release mode, this banner will not be present. But this banner can be annoying to some people, like me, during the development of the app. To remove it, simply set the value of the debugShowCheckedModeBanner property to false in your MaterialApp:...
Virtual Environments in Python
Virtual environments Python has become one of the most popular programming languages in the world, thanks to its simplicity, versatility, and powerful libraries. One of the key features that make Python such a great language to work with is its ability to create virtual environments. Virtual environments are isolated Python environments that allow you to install and manage packages and dependencies without affecting other projects or your system’s global Python installation....
A Quick and Free Way to Generate Favicons:
Wondering about how to generate favicons for various formats for my website, I noticed on the FAQs of the theme I’m using (Hugo PaperMod FAQs) that they recommended an online service to automatically generate the necessary favicons: It’s a free service that generates favicons based on an image, text, or emoji. Very interesting and saves a bit of work.
The Beginning
This is the beginning of my blog (once again). I hope this time it survives. I’m developing with Hugo and hosting it on GitHub Pages.